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      We, Hollow Tips as a platform focused on e-commerce both nationally and internationally. The protection of personal data and privacy is always taken very seriously. Fully aware of the importance of personal data to you (or "users"), we will do our best to ensure the security and reliability of your personal data. To maintain your trust in us, we are committed to protecting your personal data by adhering to the following principles: legality, fairness and transparency. purpose limitation; data minimization; accuracy; storage limitation; integrity and confidentiality; and liability. For any questions, suggestions or advice, please contact us at: Special Notes: This Privacy Policy ("Policy") applies only to your use of products or services offered by Hollow Tips, not products or services offered by a third party through Hollow Tips or products or services to which any third party link directs. The Hollow Tips platform. Also, subject to legal provisions, if you are under (or of the age of majority as required in your country/region), you may not use our services and we will not collect or use any of your personal data. Please read the following text of this Privacy Policy carefully to understand how we collect and use your data and information. This Policy will help you understand the following: How we collect and use your personal data How we use cookies and similar technologies How we share, transfer and disclose your personal data How we protect your personal data Your rights How we process personal data children's data. How your personal data moves across borders How this Policy is updated How to contact us Please read and understand this Policy carefully before using the products (or our services). How we collect and use your personal data Personal data means any information relating to an identified or identifiable natural person ("data subject"). An identifiable natural person is one who can be identified, directly or indirectly, in particular by reference to an identifier such as a name, an identification number, location data, an online identifier or one or more factors specific to the natural, physiological, genetic , mental, economic, cultural or social identity of that natural person. We will collect and use your personal data only for the following purposes: Required information related to the use of Hollow Tips services. Our services include certain core functions, such as making your purchases online, improving your experience with our services, and ensuring secure transactions. To perform such functions, we may collect and use the following information related to you:

      Hollow Tips Account Information You must use a Hollow Tips account or a third-party social media account compatible with the Hollow Platform Tips to enable access to and use of the Hollow Tips Platform. When you register or log in to the Hollow Tips Platform, you must provide the following account information to complete the registration or login: an email address or the account and password registered with a third party social media compatible with the Hollow Tips Platform. Contact information In order to guarantee your communication with the sellers during the transaction, consultation and obtaining evidence of this communication history, the system of the Hollow Tips platform will automatically collect and store your information on the servers of the Hollow Tips platform . Unless we must use or disclose such information as you expressly request or in accordance with applicable law, we will not use or disclose such information in any way. Also, in order to better help you handle the after-sale rights protection and services related to goods, you may need to provide us with your personal phone number to receive timely feedback on the handling results and related information. Financial Information To use the Payment Services, you must provide the following financial information to complete payments, ensure transaction security and comply with applicable law: billing address and bank account. Transaction Information To ensure the delivery of goods and services, you must provide the following information for timely receipt of goods/services and to consult and verify the status of the transaction: name, personal telephone number, delivery address, transaction record and order information.


      IP address, device information, etc. To facilitate your quick search for products of interest, we may collect common data from the device you use (hardware serial number, MAC address, unique device identifier, etc.), language settings, IP address and website navigation to each visit you make to the Hollow Tips Platform. In addition, such information may also be collected and used for data analysis and study, from justified needs to offer personalized services and improve the quality of services, to improve the security of our service system, to more accurately prevent fraud on phishing sites and to guarantee the security of your Hollow Tips account. The above information you provide is authorized for our continued use as long as you use our services. When you request to close an account or justify deletion, we will stop using and delete such information in accordance with applicable law.

      Information You Provide Us When You Choose To improve your experience with our services, you may choose to provide the following personal information to purchase the following additional services. If you choose not to provide such personal data, your use of the core features of the Hollow Tips Services will not be affected, but you may not be able to use these additional services, or you may be required to fill in certain information each time you use certain services. Personalized recommendation and sending of promotional and marketing information. When using our services, you may at any time provide or choose to delete the following additional information that helps us provide more relevant services and experiences: name, gender, country/jurisdiction, date of birth, date of birth of spouse/parents, Important anniversaries, income levels, tags, third party social media accounts, etc. This information will be used to analyze your behavior and preferences to personalize personalized services for you and to send you special offers, marketing information, advertisements or other information that you may be interested in. Other information When you choose, you can comment on the products/services you buy. These comments will be used to shape the respective product testimonials for reference by other Hollow Tips users and to optimize the user experience of the related services. Prior Consent We will seek your prior consent if we intend to use this information for purposes other than those covered in this document or to use the information for purposes other than the specific purposes for which it is collected. How we use cookies and similar technologies Cookie To ensure the proper functioning of the website and to meet your personalized requirements, we will store a small file called a Cookie on your computer or mobile devices. Generally, cookie includes identifiers, website name and some numbers and characters. Thanks to the Cookie, the website can store your preferences or products in the cart and other data in order to provide you with a preference setting for shopping, help you optimize the selection and interaction of ads, help you judge the registration status and your account security etc. We will not use the cookie for any purpose other than this Policy. You can manage or delete cookies according to your preferences. For related details, see You can delete all cookies stored on the computer, as most web browsers have the function of avoiding cookies. If you do, you must change your user settings in person each time you visit our website. For related details on how to change your browser settings, visit the link below. If your server is not listed, please contact us, we will provide technical guidance:

<Google Chrome>:

<Internet Explorer>:

<Mozilla Firefox>:

<Safari> and  <Opera>

      Web beacon and pixel In addition to Cookies, we will implement web beacons, pixel tags and other similar technologies on the Site. For example, the email we send you may include a URL that links to content on our website. If you click on this link, we may track your click to help us understand your product or service preferences and improve customer service. In general, a web beacon is a type of transparent image that is embedded on a website or email. Thanks to the pixel tag in the email, we can know whether the email is opened or not. If you do not want this method to track you, you can unsubscribe from the mailing list at any time. Do Not Track Many web browsers have a "Do Not Track" feature that can issue a "Do Not Track" request to websites. Currently, the major Internet standards organizations have not established policies on how websites deal with such a request. However, if your browser starts using Do Not Track, all our websites will respect your choice.

Third-party data processor In accordance with our own business requirements, we will entrust your personal data to a third-party data processor in a form that complies with GDPR requirements in order to provide better customer service, ensure transaction security and improve user experience. For example, the data controller may help us verify your identity and conduct background checks, police investigations, fraud prevention and risk assessment to ensure the security of your account and the security of transactions and help us provide you a logistics service so that you can receive the respective goods/services, among other things, in a timely manner. To see the list of data controllers and their category, as well as the scope, purpose and method of shared information, among others. We entrust your personal data to the processor only for legal, sufficient, necessary, specific and clear purposes, and we only process personal data that is necessary to provide the service. We will make every effort to monitor the data processor to fully comply with the outsourcing agreement for lawful processing, to ensure that your rights can be guaranteed to the fullest extent. Public disclosure We will only publicly disclose your personal data in the following circumstances: Obtain your express consent. Disclosure by Law: We may publicly disclose your personal information if required to do so by applicable law, legal process, lawsuits or governmental authorities. How We Protect Your Personal Data We have employed security safeguards that meet industry standards to protect the personal data you provide and prevent unauthorized access, public disclosure, use, modification, damage or loss. We will take all reasonable and practicable measures to protect your personal data. For example, your browser is protected by SSL encryption when you exchange data (such as credit card information) with the Service. In the meantime, we will provide https secure browsing methods on the Hollow Tips website. we will use encryption technique to guarantee data confidentiality and store personal and non-personal data separately. we will use a reliable protection mechanism to prevent the data from hostile attacks. we will implement an access control mechanism to ensure that only authorized personnel have access to personal data;

      We will take all reasonable and practicable steps to ensure that irrelevant personal data is not collected. We will only store your personal data for the period necessary to achieve the purposes set out in this Policy, except for an extension of the retention period or as permitted by law. We will periodically update and publish the relevant security risk content, personal data security impact assessment and other reports. You can access said content by visiting the pages of As the Internet is not a completely secure environment in which email, instant messages and other methods of exchange between Hollow Tips users. During this communication process, the personal data you voluntarily provide or describe may be disclosed to others. We strongly recommend that you do not send personal data using this method. Use a complex password to help us protect your account and keep it safe. We will do our best to guarantee the security of any information you send us. We will assume the corresponding legal responsibilities if your legal rights and interests are compromised due to unauthorized access, public disclosure, manipulation or damage of information as a result of damaged physical, technical or managerial safeguards. In the event of a personal data leak, we will inform you, in accordance with laws and regulations, our contact information, the basic status of the security incident and the possible effects, the actions we adopt or will adopt, relevant proposals for prevention and autonomous reduction of the risk, remedial measures to you among others in a timely manner. We will inform you about the relevant situation for the event by email, letter, call, notice and other forms in a timely manner, or in case it is difficult to inform the subjects of personal data one by one, we will publish the announcement in a reasonable and effective way. In addition, we will update on our own initiative the elimination of the personal data security incident in accordance with the requirements of the supervisory department.

Your rights:

       Σύμφωνα με τους νόμους, τους κανονισμούς, τους κανόνες και τις καθιερωμένες πρακτικές του , we guarantee that you can exercise the following rights over your personal data: Right of access You have the right to access your personal data described in Article 1 and Article 2 of this Policy through the configuration of your personal account, except for the exceptions that provided by laws and regulations. The information you can access includes, but is not limited to, the types of personal data we collect and process, the purpose of processing such personal data (and the consequences of not providing such personal data), the basis for legality, the facts of opt-out country, storage period, right and complaint channel and we will inform you about the specific logic of data profiling if we use your personal data for data profiling. If you are unable to access your personal data through the approaches listed above, please feel free to email us at We will respond to your access request within 30 days. For other personal data generated in the process of using our products or services, as long as it does not cost us too much, we will provide you with electronic copies of your personal data in accordance with GDPR requirements. If you wish to exercise your right to access the data, please send an email to Correction of inaccurate or incomplete personal data You can correct or complete some of your personal data through the configuration of your personal account. You have an obligation to update your personal data in a timely manner. Correcting some specific information probably cannot be done by yourself. You can contact us through various contact details published in this Policy or on the Hollow Tips Platform. We will respond to your access request within 30 days. To ensure the security of your account, we may ask you to verify your identity. Delete your personal data You can ask us to delete your personal data in the following cases: The relevant data is no longer necessary for the purposes of collection or processing and we do not have the legal basis to continue processing your personal data. You no longer consent or refuse to allow us to process your personal data and we no longer have the legal basis to continue processing your personal data. Our processing of personal data violates laws and regulations. Your data includes data from any child. You no longer use our products or services or have closed your account. We no longer provide products or services for you.

      If we decide to respond to your request for deletion, we will inform the third party that we were responsible for processing the personal data. of your data as much as possible and we will require such third parties to delete your personal data in a timely manner, unless otherwise indicated. contrary. provided by laws and regulations or such third parties have obtained your independent authorization. Notwithstanding the foregoing, to resolve disputes, enforce user agreements, and comply with technical requirements related to secure operation, we may retain certain data for a reasonable period of time to the extent permitted by law. Withdrawal of consents and processing restrictions For personal data that you have allowed us to collect and process, you can withdraw your consent at any time through your account settings or by sending an email to stating the consent you wish to withdraw. When you withdraw your consent, we will no longer process the relevant personal data. However, your decision to withdraw your consent will not affect the lawfulness of personal data processing previously carried out based on your authorization. In addition, in some jurisdictions, applicable law may give you the right to restrict how we use your personal data, including: Doubts about the accuracy of your personal data; The processing of personal data is illegal and you are only asking to restrict the use of your personal data and object to the deletion of your personal data. We no longer need your personal data for processing, but you need such information to file a complaint or respond to a complaint. You object to the processing of your personal data based on public or legitimate interests, and you object to waiting for verification if the aforementioned public interests or the legitimate interests of Hollow Tips outweigh your own interests. Right to refuse In some jurisdictions, applicable law may entitle you to require Hollow Tips not to process your personal data for a specific purpose (including recognition behavior analysis, direct marketing purposes, etc.), even though this processing is based on legitimate interests. If you object to such processing, we will no longer process your personal data for these purposes, unless we can demonstrate that such processing has a compelling and reasonable reason or that such processing is necessary for the establishment, exercise or safeguarding legal rights. If your personal data is processed for direct marketing purposes, you can refuse to allow this.

      Hollow Tips to process your data for direct marketing purposes at any time through the startup settings on the relevant advertising screen or by sending an email to Account Cancellation You can cancel your registered Hollow Tips account at any time, you can visit to cancel your account yourself or send an email to hollowtips. asking us to cancel your Hollow Tips account We may ask you to verify your identity to ensure the security of your account. Upon cancellation of your account, we will stop providing services to you and delete your personal data within the time limit set by applicable law in accordance with your request, unless required by laws and regulations or when you have concluded in agreement with us. Obtaining a copy of personal data You have the right to send us a written request to obtain a copy of your personal data through the contact details published in this Policy. We may also directly transmit the copy of your personal data to a third party designated by you in accordance with your requirements and existing communication technology, provided that it is technically feasible, such as matching data interfaces. If such third party refuses to receive the copy of your personal data, resulting in transmission failure, you must coordinate with such third party yourself and Hollow Tips will not be responsible for the transmission failure. Limitation of automatic decision-making of the information system (data image) Based on personal data lawfully collected under authorization, automatic decisions (for example, the impulse of commercial information) are made through tagging or image processing carried out through non-artificial automatic technologies decision making, such as information system and algorithm will be subject to its legal restrictions. In some business functions, we can only make decisions based on an artificial automatic decision-making mechanism, such as information system and algorithm. Where these decisions materially affect your legal rights and interests, you have the right to ask us to explain or to refuse the continued provision of such tagging or image editing service, and we will provide you with appropriate remedies in accordance with the law.

      Reply to your previous request To ensure security, you may be required to submit a written request or provide proof of identity. your. We may ask you to verify your identity before we process your request. We will respond within 30 days. If you are not satisfied, you may also file a complaint as provided in Section 0 of this Agreement. For your reasonable request, we do not charge any fee at the outset, but we will charge a certain cost for repeated requests beyond the reasonable limit, as applicable. We may reject these repetitive requests without reason, requests that require too many technical means (for example, the development of a new system or a fundamental change in existing practice is necessary), or that pose risks to the legal rights and interests of others, or requests that are extremely inappropriate. realistic (for example, the information stored on the backup tape). We will not be able to respond to your request as required by laws and regulations, in the following cases: Directly related to national security and national defense security. Directly related to public safety, public health and major public interests. It is directly related to the criminal investigation, prosecution, trial, execution of sentences, etc. There is sufficient evidence of your subjective malice or abuse of rights. Responding to your request will result in serious damage to your or other persons' or organizations' legal rights and interests. Contains trade secrets. Other cases determined by current legislation. How we process children's personal data. Our products, websites and services are for adults only. Children should not create their own user accounts. We will not collect or use data about children if informed. We consider children under [18] years of age, despite different definitions of children according to local laws and customs. Once we discover that we have collected personal data about children without their parents' prior and verifiable consent, we will try to delete the relevant data as soon as possible. How your personal data is transferred across borders In principle, the personal data collected and generated by us will be stored in Spain. We will make every effort to provide adequate safeguards for the transfer of your personal data and to satisfy the exercise of your rights and access to effective remedies.

      We reserve the right to adjust this Policy at any time in accordance with changes in services, adaptations to applicable laws and policies , as well as with other factors that are affected. We will not reduce your rights under this Privacy Policy without your express consent. Any update to this Policy will be posted on this website to set the time of the update, so please feel free to review and understand the privacy policy. If you do not agree to accept this Policy, please stop visiting and using our services. For significant changes, we will also provide a more prominent notice (including an email notification explaining specific privacy policy changes for certain services). The main changes mentioned in this Policy include, but are not limited to: Significant changes to our service model. For example, the purpose of processing personal data, the type of personal data processed, the use of personal data, etc. Significant changes in our ownership structure, organizational structure, among other things. Such as, change of owner caused by business adjustments, bankruptcies and mergers and acquisitions and others; Changes in the main objects of personal data that are outsourced for processing; Changes in the main objects of personal data that are publicly disclosed. Important changes to your rights to participate in the processing of personal data and how to exercise it. In view of the changes to our department responsible for the security of personal data, communication information and complaints channels. Given the high risks mentioned in the personal data security impact assessment report. We will also archive the previous version of this Policy for your reference. How to Contact Us Please contact us via the following methods if you have any questions, suggestions or complaints about our privacy policy: Generally, we will respond within [30 days]. If you are not satisfied with our response, especially if you believe that our personal data processing actions have harmed your legal rights and interests, you can also contact the relevant [EU data protection authority or commission] for assistance.


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