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Introduction Welcome to HOLLOW TIPS, your trusted online SNEAKERS shopping platform HOLLOW TIPS is limited to posting products made in China by local suppliers. (put the work you do and talk a little about you). We put the buyer in contact with the seller, in no case do we own the products sold. The various local suppliers/sellers in China advertise their products through the various directories, that is, HOLLOW TIPS is just an online platform or place for information exchange and transactions between buyers and sellers. The Terms of Use describe the terms and conditions that apply to your access to and use of the Website. This document is a legally binding agreement (the "Agreement") between you as a user of the Website (hereinafter "you", "your" or "User") and (insert the name of the website) Please read the following basic rules governing the your use of and access to the Website. Please also note that your use of or access to the Site constitutes your agreement to abide by and be bound by this Agreement. If you do not agree to all the terms of this Agreement, do not use or access the Site.

Application of Terms of Use Your use of and access to the Site and its services and products are governed by all terms and conditions associated with this Agreement, as well as the Security and Privacy Policy, the Intellectual Property Rights Policy and any other website rule and policy that HOLLOW TIPS may publish from time to time. This Agreement and other Site rules and policies are collectively referred to in this document as the “Terms”. In the meantime, with respect to your purchases and transactions on the Site, the Registration Agreement and related terms and conditions between you as a buyer or seller and HOLLOW TIPS will be binding on you. We therefore encourage you to carefully read this Agreement and all related additional terms, conditions and information, including but not limited to the Registration Agreement, Privacy and Security Policy and Intellectual Property Rights Policy. Please note that your use of and/or access to the Website is also subject to the terms and conditions applicable to certain Member Services (defined below). In the event of a conflict or inconsistency between the foregoing terms, conditions and information and the terms and conditions applicable to the particular Member Service, the terms and conditions applicable to the particular Member Service shall control. Member Services means that a certain feature or function (HOLLOW TIPS) is only intended for certain Paying Users who undergo a certain registration or verification process. The content and price structure of these Member Services shall be determined by (HOLLOW TIPS) independently and shall be communicated to the respective Users periodically and at any time through a notice posted on the Website, email or otherwise. You acknowledge and agree that HOLLOW TIPS may modify the Terms at any time by posting the relevant Terms as modified and restated on the Site. By continuing to use the Services or the Website, you agree that the modified Terms apply to you. In the event such a change is made, a notice will be placed on the home page. If HOLLOW TIPS has published or provided a translation of the Greek version of the Terms, you agree that the translation is provided solely as a convenience and that the Greek version will govern your use of the Services or the Website. The Terms may not be modified in any other manner, except in writing by an authorized employee of HOLLOW TIPS.

Use of the Website By accepting these Terms of Use through your use of or access to the Website, you represent that you are (a) a person of legal age and capable of entering into a legally binding contract in the jurisdiction in which you reside and in which you use the Services, and (b) you are permitted to receive any Service under the laws of the jurisdiction in which you are a resident and in which you use the Services; If you cannot comply with this section, please do not use this website. All billing and registration information provided on the Site must be true and accurate. Each user shall be solely responsible for the information and content posted on the site. Providing false or inaccurate information is a violation of the Terms of Use. All materials are for personal, non-commercial use only. You may download or copy the Content and other downloadable materials displayed on the Site for your personal use only. No right, title or interest in any material or software obtained as a result of such download or copy is transferred to you. You may not reproduce (except as stated above), publish, transmit, distribute, display, modify, create derivative works from, sell or participate in any sale or otherwise exploit in whole or in part in part, any of the Content, the Website or any related software. All software used on this website is the property of HOLLOW TIPS or its suppliers and is protected by international copyright laws. The Content and software on this website may only be used as a shopping resource. Any other use, including reproduction (except as noted above) or modification. When accessing the Website or using its services, you must not: Post or transmit false, inaccurate, misleading, offensive or defamatory content Violate any law, regulation, third party rights or our policies, such as third party intellectual property rights. Failure to deliver payment for the products and items you purchased. Manipulate HOLLOW TIPS' billing process or fail to deliver payment or fee belonging to HOLLOW TIPS. Impairment of feedback or rating systems. Transfer your HOLLOW TIPS account to another party without the prior written consent of HOLLOW TIPS. Distribute spam, mass electronic communications, chain letters or pyramid schemes on the Site. Distribute viruses or any other technology that may harm HOLLOW TIPS and the Site or the interests or property of other users. Collect information from other Users, including but not limited to their email addresses and user IDs, without their prior consent, in order to obtain benefits. or Otherwise, you will incur any liability to the Site or HOLLOW TIPS. In our sole discretion, HOLLOW TIPS reserves the right to remove from the Site any material or posting reasonably believed to be illegal, in violation of the Agreement, which may give rise to any liability for HOLLOW TIPS or which is inappropriate. HOLLOW TIPS reserves the right to limit, terminate and deny any user's right to use or access the Site and Services for any reason, including, but not limited to, infringement of a third party's intellectual property right, in violation of this Agreement, and liable to HOLLOW TIPS. Each User hereby also agrees that in no event shall HOLLOW TIPS be liable to any User or third party for any User's inability to use or access the Website and/or Services. HOLLOW TIPS may initiate, change, update, impose conditions on, suspend or discontinue any Service (or any feature within the Services) without prior notice, except that, in the case of a fee-based service, such changes will not have a material adverse effect on paying users who enjoy this service. In the event that you know or believe that any of the materials posted on the HOLLOW TIPS page infringes or violates the intellectual property, please contact us further so that we can remove it from our site. In no event shall HOLLOW TIPS be liable for infringement as it is limited only to retailers who hang their products on the property.

Onsite purchases The user agrees that all activities carried out in his X account (including, but not limited to, posting company or product information, clicking to accept additional agreements or rules, registering or paying for any service, sending emails using the platform) it will be considered that the user has authorized the current email account or SMS sending. User acknowledges that sharing their account with others, or allowing multiple users outside of their business entity to use their account (collectively, "multiple use"), may cause irreparable harm to HOLLOW TIPS or its other Users Website. User shall indemnify HOLLOW TIPS, our affiliates, directors, officers, agents and representatives for any loss or damage (including but not limited to loss of profits) as a result of multiple use of their account. The user also agrees that in the event of multiple use of his account or failure of the user to maintain the security of his account, HOLLOW TIPS shall not be liable for any loss or damage arising from such breach and shall have the right to suspend or terminate the User X account without responsibility for the user. By confirming your purchase at the end of the checkout process, you agree to accept and pay for the products you purchased. Any delay in the delivery payment process may constitute a breach of contract and you will be solely responsible for such breach. Each user understands and agrees that the price listed for the product on the website and/or the price paid for the product includes HOLLOW TIPS' service fee. You understand that by using and accessing the Site or any Service provided on the Site, you may encounter content that some may find offensive, obscene or objectionable, content that may or may not be identified as such. You agree to use the Site and any Services at your own risk and that HOLLOW TIPS shall have no liability to you for Content that may be considered offensive, indecent or indecent unacceptable. Each User understands and accepts that the product and content listed or displayed on the Website may be related to copyrights, trademarks, trade secrets, patents and other personal or proprietary rights of third parties. In addition, each User agrees that the User who uploads or lists such content and information on the Website shall be solely responsible for any infringement of the rights of third parties. The Site and HOLLOW TIPS shall not be liable for any infringement or dispute of purchase related to intellectual property and/or other personal or proprietary rights of third parties. This is because HOLLOW TIPS does not own any products, just different retailers promoting their proprietary material. When required by the government, law enforcement agency or creditor whose legal right has been violated or compelled by subpoena or other legal document, HOLLOW TIPS may disclose the user's identity and contact information as set forth in the LOPD. User agrees not to bring any action or claim against HOLLOW TIPS for such disclosure. The Site may allow users to access content, products or services offered by third parties through hyperlinks (in the form of word links, banners, channels or otherwise), APIs or otherwise. You are advised to read the terms and conditions and/or privacy policies of such websites before using such websites. You acknowledge that HOLLOW TIPS has no control over such third party websites, does not monitor such websites, and HOLLOW TIPS shall not be liable to anyone for such websites or for any content, products or services available on such websites.

Transactions between buyers and sellers Each user understands and accepts that HOLLOW TIPS is not a traditional seller or trading center. Through the Website, what HOLLOW TIPS provides is only an online platform or venue for exchange of information and transactions between buyers and sellers, including internet-based electronic transaction platforms for users to make, accept, enter into, manage and to fulfill orders for the supply of products and online services subject to the Subscription Agreement. Although HOLLOW TIPS will monitor the regular operation of the Website to fulfill its duty of care, HOLLOW TIPS does not screen or verify each item in the posted content and listing to look for infringements or illegal activities. Notwithstanding the Terms, no agency relationship shall be created between HOLLOW TIPS and any seller or buyer in connection with the listing and transaction, whether or not such transactions are conducted through the Website. The user acknowledges that although HOLLOW TIPS makes every effort to provide users with accurate information and listings posted by sellers and to perform general verifications of the identity of sellers, there are still risks associated with purchasing parts online. Therefore, we encourage you, the users of the Website, to use the relevant available tools, common sense and common sense when entering into an online agreement. In no event shall HOLLOW TIPS be liable for any transactional breach or dispute, including but not limited to, transactional disputes relating to quality, security, breach of warranty, legality or availability of products or services and payment by purchasers, and any infringement of intellectual property by the sellers. Users (including Seller and Buyer) agree to release and indemnify HOLLOW TIPS and its agents, affiliates, directors, officers and employees from all claims, demands, actions, proceedings, costs, expenses and damages (including, without limitation, any actual, special, incidental or consequential damages) arising out of or related to any transactional dispute relating to the products, listings or information on the Website. To help sellers and Registered Users to resolve any transaction dispute effectively and efficiently, HOLLOW TIPS puts the following email at its service to establish a personal treatment in its processing.

Limitation of Liability To the fullest extent permitted by law, HOLLOW TIPS provides this Site on an "as is", "as available" and "with all facts" basis. HOLLOW TIPS makes no representations or warranties of any kind, express or implied, regarding the operation of the Website or the information, content, materials or products included on this Website. To the extent permitted by applicable law, HOLLOW TIPS expressly disclaims any and all warranties, express or implied, including but not limited to warranties of condition, quality, durability, performance, accuracy, reliability, non-infringement, merchantability or fitness for a particular purpose. Without limiting the foregoing, HOLLOW TIPS disclaims any warranty, express or implied, for any merchandise offered on this Site. All such warranties, representations, conditions and covenants are excluded. You acknowledge, by your use of or access to the Site, that your use of or access to the Site is at your own risk. This disclaimer does not apply to any product warranties offered by the product manufacturer. This disclaimer is an essential part of this Agreement. In no event and under any legal or equitable theory, whether in tort, contract, strict liability or otherwise, will HOLLOW TIPS or any of its affiliates, employees, directors, officers, agents, vendors or suppliers be liable to you or to any other person, for any indirect, special, incidental or consequential loss or damage of any nature arising out of or in connection with the use or inability to use the website, including but not limited to damages for lost profits, loss of goodwill, loss data, work interruption, accuracy of results, or computer failure or malfunction, even if an authorized representative of HOLLOW TIPS has been advised of or should have known of the possibility of such damage. In addition, in no event shall HOLLOW TIPS be liable for any damages arising out of any of the following, whether special, direct, indirect, punitive, incidental or consequential, or related to contract, negligence, tort or otherwise:

    Any dispute related to assets, services or information purchased or obtained from a seller or third party through the Website, including, without limitation, disputes regarding the quality, safety, warranty, legality or availability of such goods, services or information. Any Violation of Third Party Rights on the Website. Unauthorized access to data or private information of any User on the Website. or Statements or conduct of any User of the Site. Notwithstanding any of the foregoing provisions, if HOLLOW TIPS, our employees, agents, affiliates, representatives or any person acting on our behalf are liable, our liability shall not exceed the fees you pay in respect of the use of the Website during the period three months before the date of occurrence of the claim. HOLLOW TIPS shall not be liable for any special, direct, indirect, punitive, incidental or consequential damages or any damages whatsoever (including, without limitation, damages for lost profits or savings, business interruption or loss of information), whether in contract, or from negligence, tort, equity or any other damages arising out of any of the following:

(1) the use or inability to use the Website or the Services;

(2) any defect in the goods, samples, data, information or services obtained or obtained by User or any other third party through the Site;

(3) any infringement of third party rights or claims or demands that the User manufactures, imports, exports, distributes, offers, displays or purchases, The limitations and exclusions of liability to you under the Terms will apply to the fullest extent permitted by law and will apply regardless of whether or not HOLLOW TIPS has been advised of the possibility of such damages.

Indemnification You agree to defend, indemnify and hold HOLLOW TIPS and its affiliates, directors, officers and employees harmless from any loss, claim, liability, damages, costs and expenses, including attorney's fees, derivative or related

(1) the use of . of the website,

(2) the breach of any representation and/or warranty made by you to HOLLOW TIPS and

(3) claims presented by third parties claiming rights or other third parties related to the products offered or displayed on the Site; Force majeure In no event shall HOLLOW TIPS be liable for any delay or failure or interruption of the content or services provided through the Site resulting directly or indirectly from acts of nature, forces or causes beyond _d04a07d8-9cd1-3239-9149 -20813d6c673b_​out of our reasonable control, including but not limited to Internet, computer, telecommunications or other equipment failures, power outages, strikes, labor disputes, riots, riots, civil unrest, labor shortages or materials, fires, floods, storms, explosions, acts of God, war, governmental actions, national orders or foreign courts or third party infringement.

Copyright, Trademarks and Other Intellectual Property Rights Unless otherwise stated, all content on the Site is copyright, trademark, trade dress and/or other intellectual property owned, controlled or licensed by HOLLOW TIPS or one of its affiliates of and protected by PRC and international copyrights, patents, trademarks and other intellectual property rights. property laws. The compilation of all Content on this website is the exclusive property of HOLLOW TIPS and is also protected by international copyright, patent, trademark and other intellectual property laws. HOLLOW TIPS and its suppliers and/or licensors expressly reserve all intellectual property rights in all text, programs, products, processes, technology, content and other materials displayed on the Website. Access to the Website does not grant and shall not be deemed to grant to anyone any license under any of the intellectual property rights of HOLLOW TIPS or third parties. The HOLLOW TIPS names and logos and all related product and service names, design marks and slogans are trademarks of HOLLOW TIPS. All other brands are property of their respective companies. No trademark, service mark, or logo license is granted in connection with the material contained on this site. Access to this website does not authorize anyone to use any name, logo or brand in any way. Unauthorized use of these names, logos or trademarks is strictly prohibited. References on this website to any third party name, brand, product or service or hypertext links to the Website or third party information are provided solely for your convenience and in no way constitute or imply endorsement, sponsorship or recommendation by HOLLOW TIPS of third party, information, product or service. HOLLOW TIPS is not responsible for the content of any third-party website and makes no representation as to the content or accuracy of the material on that website. If you decide to link to such third-party websites, you do so at your own risk.

Termination These Terms of Use are effective unless and until terminated by you or HOLLOW TIPS. You may terminate this Agreement at any time, provided that you discontinue any further use of this Site. HOLLOW TIPS may also terminate this Agreement at any time and may do so immediately without notice and accordingly deny you access to the Website if in HOLLOW TIPS' sole discretion you fail to comply with any term or provision of this Agreement. Upon termination of the Agreement by you or HOLLOW TIPS, you must immediately destroy all materials received or obtained from this Site, and all copies of such materials, whether made in accordance with the Terms of Use or otherwise. HOLLOW TIPS' right to any Content and the provisions of Sections 2.6, 3, 4, 5, 6, 8, 10 and 11 shall survive termination of this Agreement. Notice Unless otherwise expressly stated, all notices or requests to HOLLOW TIPS shall be in writing and sent to HOLLOW TIPS by mail at the following address:, To: Legal Department. Notice will be deemed effective when HOLLOW TIPS receives it in any of the ways listed above. All notices or claims against a User will be effective if delivered in person, by email to the email address provided to HOLLOW TIPS during the registration process (as updated periodically, if applicable), or by posting a notice or demand in an area of the Site that is publicly accessible free of charge. Notice to a User shall be deemed to have been received by such User if:

(1) HOLLOW TIPS can prove that the communication, whether in physical or electronic form, has been sent to that user, or

(2) immediately after posting such HOLLOW TIPS notice to an area of the Site that is publicly accessible without charge; You agree that all agreements, notices, demands, disclosures and other communications sent to you electronically by HOLLOW TIPS satisfy the legal requirement that such communication be in writing.

General HOLLOW TIPS reserves the right to update or modify these Terms of Use at any time without prior notice, will be notified by notice once modified/updated. The most recent version of the Terms of Use will govern your use of the Site and will always be located at If HOLLOW TIPS makes a change that, in its sole discretion, is material, HOLLOW TIPS will notify you by email to the email address associated with your account. Your use of the Site following any changes constitutes your unconditional agreement to follow and be bound by these Terms of Use as modified. This Agreement represents the entire agreement between the parties regarding the use of the Site and the Services and supersedes all prior oral or written agreements and representations between users and HOLLOW TIPS relating to the same subject matter. The headings used in these Terms of Use are for reference only and in no way define or limit the scope of the section. If any provision of this Agreement is found to be unenforceable for any reason, that provision will be removed or modified to the extent necessary to make it enforceable and the other terms of this Agreement will remain in full force and effect. The failure of HOLLOW TIPS to act with respect to a breach of this Agreement by you or others shall not constitute a waiver and shall not limit HOLLOW TIPS' rights with respect to such breach or any subsequent breach. HOLLOW TIPS and you are independent contractors and the Terms are not intended to create or create an agency, partnership, joint venture, employer-employee or licensor-beneficiary relationship. The failure of HOLLOW TIPS to enforce any right or act with respect to any breach of the Terms by you shall not constitute a waiver of that right or a waiver of HOLLOW TIPS' right to act with respect to subsequent or similar breaches. HOLLOW TIPS may assign this agreement and all or part of its rights, obligations and interests to any party or entity in its sole discretion. However, Users may not assign their rights, obligations and interests under this Agreement to any party or entity. Any action or proceeding arising out of or relating to this Agreement or your use of this Site must be submitted to arbitration, which will be conducted in accordance with the Greek arbitration rules or, failing that, the EU rules in effect on time of the arbitration request. The arbitral award shall be final and binding on both parties. 


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